Re: [Emerald] Expire Date

Humberto Guzman ( (no email) )
Wed, 5 Jan 2000 13:25:43 -0600

That solved it... Thanks...

Any idea on my other problem:
When I try to delete an MBR in Emerald I get the following error : Error
Deleting CallHistory
Also, when I try to view the Call History Tab I get the message: Error in
SQL Statement


Pd. I already searched the mailing list database on iea's web with no

----- Original Message -----
From: Dale E. Reed Jr. <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2000 9:34 AM
Subject: Re: [Emerald] Expire Date

| Humberto Guzman wrote:
| >
| > I am getting the following error in Emerald when viewing an account:
| >
| > The Expire date Day of this account is not set for monthly billing. You
| > will need to manually adjust it.
| >
| > Any ideas how can I fix this or change all of the MBRs?
| For Monthly billing, the day of the BilledThru/ExpireDate should be
| 1. Its not. :(
| --
| Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT
| __________________________________________
| IEA Software, Inc.
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