[Emerald] Billing SNAFU

Adam Ryan ( (no email) )
Thu, 6 Jan 2000 10:14:36 -0500

We are using Emerald 3.22 on a monthly billing cycle. This month, when we
went to create our invoices, we noticed something odd. Any users who were
carrying a balance (in other words, didnt send in their check, or whose
credit card didnt go through last month) were not invoiced at all this month
in Emerald. I am very curious whether anyone else had this problem, because
we continually have problems with Emerald that it seems no one else has.
(Everyone else seems to have problems that we never have.)

We've been running Emerald since June or July and we have yet to have a
monthly billing go at all smoothly, and whats most frustrating is that its
always a new problem. The month before this, people were charged with
one-time adjustments that should have been marked as send the month before,
but Emerald neglected to do that.

I'd like to hear from anyone who has experianced these same problems, just
so I know I'm not crazy. I'd also love to know when IEA thinks the billing
aspects of their software might become somewhat stable.

Adam Ryan / Spyralnet
(914) 348-7676

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