Re: [Emerald] Serv-U

Josh Hillman ( (no email) )
Mon, 10 Jan 2000 10:03:33 -0500

From: PowerNet <>
>I just added 3 IP addresses to my NT box and re-booted. I can ping the ip
addresses just fine now, but Serv-U and IIS FTP can't see the IP addresses
when I try to assign them.

IIS only displays a few IPs in its list of available IPs. Just manually
enter in the IP and it'll be fine.
Serv-U might be the same way; I don't remember. We have around 200 IPs
bound to our NT webserver and if I remember correctly, I manually entered in
the IP for Serv-U also.


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On 1/5/00, at 3:13 PM, Josh Hillman wrote:

>From: PowerNet <>
>>I am a little confused on running multiple ftp programs.
>>Do I then need to make changes to DNS?
>I guess that depends on how you have things set.
>Our anonymous FTP is ( and is handled by IIS4.
>Our users' FTP is (or, if they have a
>virtually hosted domain) and that's This is handled by
>Serv-U. The other two FTP services we have (IIS4) are associated with
>different DNS names and IPs and are used by a few people internally for a
>couple of our websites. So, in our case, our DNS settings are like:
> A
> A
>>If I have a customer that has a www hosted on the same server and I want
>them to be able to use the MS Frontpage publish feature, how do I set that
>up and how does it work?
>If you're using FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions, this is set up via the
>Internet Service Manager on the server itself. I'm guessing there's a way
>to set these up via ISM on a workstation, though I can't figure out how to
>get the FP Extensions "snap-in" installed on anything but the server
>Anyway, using the ISM on the server, right-click on whatever "web" needs FP
>extensions installed on it and choose "Task --> Configure Server
>Extensions". From there, I don't remember the details. I found the info
>this at one of the following URLs:
>>Also, you are saying that to eliminate having serveral empty folders you
>not have emerald set up a directory for every user. How? I just went
>through that with IEA not too long ago and it supposedly will create a dir
>for every new user.
>In Emerald Admin (Client / FTP), I have "Default Dir" set to nothing and
>"Size Limit" set to 5. That way, user directories are never created UNLESS
>someone manually types in "\\server\users\username" or
>"\\server\domains\domainname" for the individual service.
>*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********
>On 1/5/00, at 12:20 PM, Josh Hillman wrote:
>>From: PowerNet <>
>>>We just started using Serv-U authenticating against the Emerald database.
>>>We are running IIS4 Web Server and used to run FTP as well.
>>>I am having some users complaining about being able to upload their
>>Most have www addresses and some have disk quotas other than what Emerald
>>has set for default.
>>>I need to know:
>>>1. how to change disk quotas for specific users?
>>Emerald 2.5.322 (and maybe .320) now display the directory limits ("Size
>>Limit") in each service, measured in kB. In other words, if the user
>>have 10 megs, enter in 10240, for 5 megs enter 5120. I see a bunch of
>>ones in our system, but I think that's because there's no "Directory"
>>for those people. We only set them up if requested--that way we don't
>>thousands of empty directories all over the place.
>>If you want to see what all of your active quotas are presently set for
>>(along with some other info), run the following script (note that the
>>is shown in MB rather than kB):
>>select Login, HomeDir, HomeDirLimit=homedirlimit/1024
>>from subaccounts sa, masteraccounts ma
>>where ma.customerid=sa.customerid
>>and homedir != ''
>>and login != null
>>select shell, homedir, homedirlimit=homedirlimit/1024
>>from subaccounts sa, masteraccounts ma
>>where ma.customerid=sa.customerid
>>and homedir != ''
>>and shell != null
>>order by homedir
>>>2. how to set up specific emerald users, to be able to access multiple
>>directories with the same user name and password?
>>To my knowledge, there's no way of doing this. I guess the thinking would
>>be, "ok, you're logged in; how am I (the FTP server) supposed to know
>>directory to put you in if you have multiple options?". If you make those
>>various directories subdirectories of something else (called "parent" for
>>example), you could direct the user to that directory and from there, they
>>could access the subdirectories. We have one customer that does something
>>like this. The instructor wants to be able to get into all of the
>>directories, but each student should only have access to his/her
>>So, it's set up like this:
>> teacher --> \\server\users\parentdirectoryname
>> student --> \\server\users\studentdirectoryname
>>On the web, each student's directory would be referenced as
>> http://users.servername/parentdirectoryname/studentdirectoryname
>>whereas most of our users (excluding domains) would be referenced like
>> \\server\users\username (http://users.servername/username)
>>>3. How will serv-u affect MS Frontpage Extensions and directory
>>There's no relationship between them. FrontPage Extensions use HTTP to
>>interact with the site for modifications. By allowing FTP access into one
>>of these areas, you're simply offering the customer an alternative way of
>>making changes in case they don't feel like using FrontPage to do it at
>>Serv-U FTP works fine in conjunction with IIS4 FTP, so long as each
>>doesn't have conflicting IPs/ports. We have 3 (1 anonymous and 2
>>IIS FTP services running on our webserver along with Serv-U (for all of
>>users). Each service has specific IPs assigned to them so that they don't
>>interfere with eachother. I wrote up some info on this:
>>For more information about this list (including removal) go to:
>For more information about this list (including removal) go to:
>For more information about this list (including removal) go to:

For more information about this list (including removal) go to:

For more information about this list (including removal) go to: