[Emerald] Invoicing/Banner

Thu, 20 Jan 2000 16:35:50 -0500 (EST)

Thanks for getting me started Dale. I may have been a little unclear. Firstly, let me say it is Banner s/w we are exporting to. However, the group needed is not employee/non.

All ACTIVE MBRS w/ (Region=Service Terr.) and (Pay Method=Renewal) need to have their invoices(line items) exported into Banner.

I am thinking the process might be something like:

1. Run a script changing all MBR's with these characteristics to (Send Bill=0 or "unchecked") or Send Method=None)so that these customers stop receiving Email Bills.

2. Add or simply activate? a field in Banner s/w with the Customer ID#. This would involve printing a report of the MBR's to be exported (again, region and pay method being the critical fields)so we would know which customers ID#'s would need to be entered into Banner.

3. Export the specific MBR's into Banner. When would this need to be done? The 1st?15th?etc? or when we send our monthly e-mail invoices? Right now we send out these emails around the 15th, but the Banner invoice used by the Electric Co. we are a part of may be sent on a diff. date. Would we have to synchronize exactly with them to make this work?

These are the steps as I can figure it. You mention exporting the subsequent payments back into Emerald being challenging. This may not be an issue as we probably would hand key the payments and apply them ourselves. There are approx. 300 customers I'm guessing fitting the criteria needed...

Anyway, thanks for your time and help. I need to make this happen here at our company or I will look very lousy :( Thanks again. Scott

Invoices/Banner From: "Dale E. Reed Jr." Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 15:58:34 -0800 s_allen_j@techie.com wrote: > > Our company would like our Emerald Renewal invoices to be included on our Electric Companys electric bill sent to customers.. > > Any advice in regards to where to begin? > > Is this something that can be exported or would it be more of a manual procedure. Also, a small percentage of the renewal invoices could not included b/c they are out of the electric companys service territory so this will throw an extra kink in the project. What I would do is create two groups, one for the electric company employees, and one for non-electric company employees. That makes it easy to figure out whos who. The challenge, it defining in either emerald or your other software a tag to associate one customer to the other (ie, you add a field in your other software with the CustomerID of the MBR in Emerald that its associated to). Then you can export the line items from Emerald into your!
other software, and have them appear on the correct customer's invoice. Payments back into Emerald is quite a bit more challenging, though. -- Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT __________________________________________

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