[Emerald] I Need a FIX for this ASAP

Administrator ( (no email) )
Mon, 31 Jan 2000 16:10:47 -0500

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I have a problem printing customer billing history and emailing invoices =
machines that have Crystal Reports 6.0 installed on them.

This is not a DSN problem, etc These functions work perfectly
on ALL machine that do not have CR6 on them. I know the history.rpt
is a CR7 report.

HOW do I get emerald 2.5.326 to work properly with CR7 reports
if CR6 was previously installed???????????


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I have a problem printing customer =billing history=20and emailing invoices from
machines that have Crystal Reports 6.0 =installed on=20them.
This is not a DSN problem, etc  =These=20functions work perfectly
on ALL machine that do not have CR6 on =them. I know=20the history.rpt
is a CR7 report.
HOW do I get emerald 2.5.326 to work =properly with=20CR7 reports
if CR6 was previously=20installed???????????