Re: [Emerald] Consolidation
Fri, 04 Feb 2000 10:45:39 -0600

TEMPDB is run in RAM. Supposedly that makes everything a lot quicker,
however, I'm not sure how it affects the below error.

On Fri, 04 Feb 2000 10:26:11 -0500, you wrote:

>At 08:20 AM 2/4/00 -0600, you wrote:
>>Calls consolidation worked fine last week but this week I am getting =
>>error, please help..
>>SQL Server Error: 229 EXECUTE permission denied on object =
>>database master, owner dbo
>>State=3D1, Severity=3D14
>Looks like your TEMPDB is full in your master database.
>You'll want to both clear and truncate it after you have space in=20
>it. Increase the size of your TEMPDB in the master database (not in the=
>Emerald one). You may need to increase the size of the Database DEVICE=20
>before you can increase the size of the database.
>How long does consolidation take? If longer than a minute or two, then =
>will want to clobber off some old calls in the calls table. Do you=20
>regularly delete entries older than a very few months from your calls=20
>table? (Having a huge calls table is the single biggest slowdown =
>in both searches in Emerald, and in Consolidation -- if the entire calls=
>table cannot be cached in the RAM made available to SQL server....which =
>only 32 MB IIRC.... your searches drag, where if the whole thing fits in=
>RAM Cache, a search or consolidation smokes. Ensure that as much RAM =
>you have, less a smidge, is allocated to MSSQL (see archives for this, =
>ask), and that the calls table is regularly cleared of calls older than =
>months, after making backups. Also regularly kill off all =
AcctStatusType =3D=20
>1 (START) records that are OLDER than your oldest current call. If your=
>longest call currently listed online goes back to January 24th =
>line), you can kill off all such records from January 23rd and prior, =
>all the data needed for accounting is in the type 2 (STOP) records. If=
>you've never done this, do this in chunks to avoid filling the TempDB as=
>well (perhaps two weeks at a time). See archives, or ask how to do =
>Folks still using MSSQL 6.5 will see an AMAZING performance increase if=20
>they do these things:
>1) Allocate all but about 32 MB of RAM to SQL. The more the better.
>2) Keep the Calls Table as small as possible.
> A) Consolidate
> B) Delete Type 1 records regularly for all completed calls
> C) Delete Type 2 records regularly for all CONSOLIDATED calls
> (I recommend keeping as much as four months of type 2's
> simply because you will have some quarterly paying accounts).
>3) Defrag your hard drive, with SQL shut down entirely, at least once
> each three months. SQL is rather hard on fragmentation, and THAT =
> really slow down SQL, especially on searches, when the hard drive
> has to constantly move around to find all of a file.
>For more information about this list (including removal) go to:

For more information about this list (including removal) go to: