Re: [Emerald] Bad Authenticator

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Thu, 10 Feb 2000 20:05:05 -0800

> "Howard A. Brooks" wrote:
> It's running now with zeros for Acct! But below is what a page
> looks like: I will reboot the Computone tomorrow AM at let you
> know what happens. The Computone PR uses an AUI port with a
> Transceiver to coax so I adjusted the software to "force" to the
> AUI port rather than let the PR detect it. Secondly, I turned
> RIP to "none" for each Port that is assigned to each user at
> login. Perhaps these two changes will improve how the PR sees
> RadiusNT, but not certain. Does anyone using a PR know if this
> is an issue?

You might check your ports. I know that in the PR docs, it says
that it will stop sending accounting information, if the accounting
server timesout. It doens't say how to restart it. :( RadiusNT
only writes what it receives.


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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