Malcolm Joosse ( (no email) )
Thu, 23 Mar 2000 12:17:29 +1100

I posted a problem about a week ago that I got no replys for.
I have been trying to get a pattern for this problem but no pattern exists.
We have 3 x MAX6000's in 3 cities all connected to our EM/RNT box using SQL
In the calls online I see about 30% of my customers that are connected.
It is weird that I see new and existing connections only for some
connections and for both my ISDN and POTS clients.
It is also not limited to individual customers, sometimes I see them and
sometimes I don't.
Please help as we use this online option to monitor our connections all day
and it is a pain to keep using MaxStat to check the connections.
Currently I have 21 people in Emerald Online but 64 connections to my
MAX'es, I have tried an entire reboot without sucsess.

Thank you

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