Re: [Emerald] Pam based Radius client

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Thu, 20 Apr 2000 10:43:21 -0700

"Robert H. Clugston" wrote:
> I'm trying to get CUCIPOP to do authentication via radiusNT using
> 's PAM_radius module. I can set it up no problem, but for
> some reason radiusNT won't auth it. I have the client added into Emerald
> Admin., but it still won't work. There is what I get:
> radrecv: Request from host ce53bb06 code=1, id=74, length=73
> User-Name = "robert"
> Password = " -- random characters here -- "
> NAS-Identifier =
> NAS-Identifier = "cucipop"
> User-Service = Authenicate-Only
> NAS-Port = 19644
> rad_authenticate_ODBC()
> Calc_digest: from, ID 74 : Request from Unknown Client

This means the IP address isn't a known one. Did you restart RadiusNT
after adding the server entry in the Emerald Admin?


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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