Scottie Arnett ( (no email) )
Fri, 12 May 2000 12:41:07 -0500

Well, I could copy it back over it, if I had the old one. It went the way of
the wind when I copied over it with the EmeraldAuth one. Remeber from my
last post, EmeraldAuth and RadiusNT gave me an error box (that is all it
said) with the old dll. If some one out there has the old one (not version
1999.2.2997.0) could you please email it to me to try.


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Dale E. Reed Jr.
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2000 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Emerald] XOLEHLP.DLL

Scottie Arnett wrote:
> Well, now I am really frustrated and bumfuzzled. I try to reinstall
> EmeraldAuth, it starts reinstalling and I get a file in use error on
> xolehlp.dll. I go into services and stop serv-u and radiusNT, retry, still
> in use. Start stopping services one by one until I get to MTS and now it
> overwrites and installs.

Did you try just ignoring the copy error (ie, leave the old file)?
How about grabbing a copy of the older MTS version and putting it back


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT/X__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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