Re: [Emerald] E-mail receipts

Josh Hillman ( (no email) )
Wed, 17 May 2000 15:09:41 -0400

From: Dale E. Reed Jr. <>
> * The receipts option in the admin will set the default recipts
> check box option in the batch window. If receipts are enabled,
> Emerald will mail out a notice to the user during the import
> phase, with either a declined or processed notice.

Can this be changes so that the email process happens AFTER the "UPDATE
ExternalTrans..." statement instead of before? If it happens after, then
the CC reports can be customized better to include the responses such as
"Expired Card" or "Decline" or "Authorized" or whatever. Right now, that's
not possible because the email is sent before the database is updated with
the information.


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