From: "IT Manager" <> Subject: [RadiusNT] TACACS ?? Date: Wed, 2 May 2001 10:28:00 +0200 Message-ID: <>
Hi everyone,
I know this is not probably the best place for this question but I don't
know to whom ask it. One of our "Network providers" uses TACACS as AAA
solution and he would need a few weeks to get radius configured. We would
need to setup a AAA proxying between them and us !!!
I would like to see if implementing TACACS, at our end, would be very
difficult so we can begin working with them sooner. The idea is to continue
using RAdiusNT (with all the database system behind and on which we have
developed a lot already) and add TACACS as another AAA system.
Would anyone know about TACACS servers for Windows OS which are freeware,
shareware or not very expensive ??
Has anyone gone through this integration experience (RadiusNT + TACACS) ??
Best regards,