Message-ID: <004b01c1c4cb$eb15e390$d374fea9@home> From: "Robert Ballard" <> Subject: [RadiusNT] Bad Digest Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2002 00:01:02 -0500
I am trying to set up a Windows NT RRAS server to authenticate to my Radius
NT server on windows 2000.
I have RRAS set up to authenticate with a radius and the ports are correct
and I confirmed the secret password for the radius and RRAS to match.
When RadiusNT gets the request to verify the caller I get a "Bad Digest"
error from the radius. Of course the event log on the RRAS machine says "The
authentication server did not respond in a timely fashion"...
Does anyone have any ideas what to check next?
Also, does anyone have any experience using RRAS with a radius?
Thanks in advance!
Robert Ballard
Manager of network operations - GCC Internet