I have just Installed Crystal Reports and understand that I can print
Reports using CRE and ODBC - I've set up a System DSN for Emerald DB and I
can print Invoices OK.
I've had a look at Emerald's Docs for Field Definitions in the Database
Layout Section.
You've done a wonderful job with Emerald and I understand the Docs are
still being revised - I would love any tips you could give on the shortest
route to accomplish the following:
I'd like to design a report to print the number of Users in each Service
type (which I defined in Emerald Admin).
I'd like the report to print 3 colums of Service types listing each users
First,Last Name (and Login), ie. A column list of my users for 1 Hour Free,
Hourly, and Monthly Service types and Total users at the bottom of each
I realise I've asked a lot but hopefully the above information could be
appended to your Manual in the Reports section - I'm sure it would be VERY
helpful to other ISP's.
Thanks alot and keep up the good work 8-)
Chris Murdaugh
Internet Administrator
E-Mail: cmurdaugh@sia.net.au
Student Internet Access
North Sydney TAFE College Association
Emerald Mailing list (emerald@iea.com)