RE: Runtime error '6'

Erik Lundby ( (no email) )
Thu, 20 Feb 1997 17:49:55 -0600

Do you have another computer on your lan that you can connect to the sql database with? I wouldn't feel comfortable with just one.

-----Original Message-----
From: Franco Nogarin []
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 1997 5:33 PM
Subject: Runtime error '6'

To all who replied to my message re: HHEELLPP, I have shutdown and
restarted, ran dbcc checkdb, ran dbcc newalloc, uninstalled and reinstalled
emerald 75, and I still get this error message. It is NOT hanging and
leaving emerald open, after the error I click ok and emerald completely
shuts down, EmerAdmin opens but emerald will not. after the error there is
absolutely no indication in task manager or in the control-alt-delete shut
down dialog that emerald is still running. I am now busted down to entering
accounts into emerald by hand in SQL, let me tell you, not simple. Dale
please comment.

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