AW: Traffic Tables

Peter A. Sang ( (no email) )
Fri, 21 Feb 1997 13:02:29 +0100


since we spent lots of time with makin reports from this table, could
you please share your thoughts with us _first_ on how it's being

We've made our accounting a little bit simpler (at least for now) by
just defining:
Traffic-type weight factor
internal-internal 0.5 (or another factor < 1)
internal-external 1
external-internal 1
external-external 0=error

internal-internal means: a customer (from NAS or 'known network' ) is
accessing our proxy-server (or others) from the internal network, so his
traffic is NOT taken from db.traffic, but from db.msproxylog (the direct
log from MSproxyserver via ODBC)

Additional problem: for business customers data from radius to calls is
VOID, we just use Traffic + Msproxylog for calculation. (We have to
offer discounts for using internal systems + proxy)

My wishlist for us would be to make a button under charges that executes
a user-defined SQL-query, so we can adapt this 'consolidation' _exactly_
to our requirements.
If you like, I'd forward our current SQL statements in private mail.

Peter A. Sang
SANG Computersysteme GmbH * Kruppstr. 82-100 * 45145 Essen * Germany
T: +49-201-82020-0 * F:-40 * *

>Von: Dale E. Reed Jr.[]
>Gesendet: Freitag, 21. Februar 1997 10:20
>Betreff: Re: Traffic Tables
>Franco Nogarin wrote:
>> Dale, what is the status of traffic table operability?
>Its in the DB, but not being cosolidated. Its under the charges
>button, but not activated. Peter has been beating on me for a while
>and it should be available fairly soon.
>Dale E. Reed Jr. (
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