AW: Installation

Peter A. Sang ( (no email) )
Fri, 21 Feb 1997 13:30:15 +0100

AFAIK this is caused by SQL server (=the account its running on) doesn't
has the appropriate rights to access this share or network drive.
BTW: You should better use UNC names here.

Peter A. Sang
SANG Computersysteme GmbH * Kruppstr. 82-100 * 45145 Essen * Germany
T: +49-201-82020-0 * F:-40 * *

>Von: Danny Calamaro[]
>Gesendet: Freitag, 21. Februar 1997 13:16
>An: 'Emerald Mailing List'
>Betreff: Installation
>Hi all,
>Am getting an error trying to install the database.
>Device Configuration is as follows,
>Name: EmeraldDev Size: 25
>filename: h:\Emeralddev.Dat (which is a network drive to the SQL data
>DataBase Configuration
>Name: Emerald Size: 25
>directory: c:\progra~1\emerald
>The error I get is "Create Device Failed, Please check the Device settings
>and retry"
>I think its the filename in the device Config settings. What shall I put
>Danny Calamaro
>GibNet Ltd
>Emerald Mailing list (