Dale, I downloaded 2.084 from the Beta, then the Emerald.EXE that makes it
2.086 and I STILL get the SQLEXEC failed, the only difference being that
the Emerald window expands but does not now show the SQL statement. It then
says "Update 2 accounts?" and when you click YES it says SQLEXEC failed.
> Just make sure you configure you External Systems and specify
> them for the services you want synced (both in Emerald Admin).
Could you give an example? I've tried configuring this every way I can
think of and can't make it work. When we had an INI file, we had the Post
Office info going into C:\Progra~1\Emerald\Temp. I filled in the SMTP with
the info for the mail server. I put that path into the External tab for
both Batch Out and Batch in.
I figure I'm just not setting it up right, but I don't have any directions
and I've tried using the info from the old INI, but apparently I'm not
guessing which data goes in which field correctly. There's not a
Form_Identifier field, for example, or even a Password field.
Pat Augustine
Interlink America
Emerald Mailing list (emerald@iea.com)