At 10:20 AM 02/27/97 -0800, you wrote:
>Mauricio Marquez wrote:
>> I'm using radiusnt 6.0 and Emerald 2.0.75 with a Cisco 2511 and a Computone
>> PowerRack.
>> The authentication is working quiet well. The problem I'm having is when I
>> use Emerald's Online Tab:
>> 1. Logs on the Cisco are displayed, but not the username in the port or the
>> ip address of the port (I have configured -and saved- each port's ip address
>> in the administrator).
>> 2. Logs on the PowerRack are not displayed at all. I can't see what ports
>> are being currently used.
>You need to run RadiusNT in -x15 debug mode and see what errors
>(if any) are being sent. Also check your logfile. Until I can see
>the accounting debug, I don't know what advice to give. :(
Ok, here's an attachment of what radius shows in debug mode when someone
connects to the PowerRack (powerrack.txt). The radius logfile didn't show a
thing aside of what it had before that call. I also noticed that when
disconnecting, radius didn't show a thing in debug mode.
>Dale E. Reed Jr. (
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="powerrack.TXT"
radrecv: Request from host c817ef95 code=1, id=1, length=60
User-Name = "mmarquez"
Password = "s\274\312\3173\246 \361A\365\301\355\277\212/."
NAS-Identifier =
NAS-Port = 4
Password = "s\274\312\3173\246 \361A\365\301\355\277\212/."
Decrypted Password: mmarquez
Allocating Statement...
SQL Statement: Select DateAdd(Day, ma.extension, maExpireDate), DateAdd(Day, sa.extension, saExpireDate), sa.AccountID, sa.AccountType, sa.Password, sa.Login,
sa.Shell, sa.TimeLeft From MasterAccounts ma, SubAccounts sa Where (sa.Login='mmarquez' or sa.Shell='mmarquez') AND ma.CustomerID=sa.CustomerID and sa.Active<>0
and ma.Active<>0
Database Password: mmarquez
Freeing SQL Statement...
Allocating Statement...
SQL Statement: Select ra.RadAttributeID, Name, Data, Value, Type From RadConfigs rc, RadAttributes ra Where ra.RadAttributeID=rc.RadAttributeID AND rc.AccountI
Freeing SQL Statement...
Loading radius defaults for this type...
Allocating Statement...
Allocating Statement...
SQL Statement: Select ra.RadAttributeID, Name, Data, Value, Type From RadATConfigs rc, RadAttributes ra Where ra.RadAttributeID=rc.RadAttributeID AND rc.Accou
User-Service = 2 (2)
Framed-Protocol = 1 (1)
Freeing SQL Statement...
Sending Ack of id 1 to c817ef95 (
User-Service = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Response Time: 801
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
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