AW: Livingston's ChoiceNet

Peter A. Sang ( (no email) )
Sun, 2 Mar 1997 13:05:08 +0100

Yes, you can. It's just a Unix daemon that is queried by the portmasters
if a certain filter name is applied to a connection by Radius. It helps
you to maintain filters if you have many Portmasters, and you can also
get centrally-maintained filter lists from the Internet to allow only
proven (=3Dmainly non-XXX) sites.
For a complete technical description go
Peter A. Sang
SANG Computersysteme GmbH * Kruppstr. 82-100 * 45145 Essen * Germany
T: +49-201-82020-0 * F:-40 * *

>Gesendet: Sonntag, 2. M=E4rz 1997 04:30
>Betreff: Re: Livingston's ChoiceNet
>At 06:03 PM 3/1/97 -0800, you wrote:
>>Ryan Smith wrote:
>>> Okay..
>>> I keep seeing discussion regarding ChoiceNet on Livingston's PM =
list.. I
>>> was wondering if anyone here knew what it was, how it works, does it =
>>> with Radius on NT, etc, etc, etc..
>>Its basically a dynamically filter server. The daemon runs on a
>>unix box. The PM will get its list of filters from the ChoiceNet
>>server just after the user logs on. This alleviates the need to
>>have a copy of filters in every PM.
>>Its not available for NT.
>But could you authenticate a user with RadiusNT and have the Choicenet
>filters on a unix box?=20
>David Edwards
>System Administrator -
>Lake Tahoe's Premier Internet Service Provider
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