> I've installed SQL server 6.5 and Emerald. But cannot seem to add a user. I
> get SQL server error, then an Emerald error something like INSERT
> MasterAccouts................... It looks like all the fields in the table.
> I have tried to check the DataBase with Emerald Admin but also gives errors
> saying in eg. Table groups does not have the correct number of fields, same
> error for invoices, Radattributes, RadValues, ScriptMaps, Scripts, and
> others.
> I have not really set up anything yet.
Typically this is a problem with dates. The Regional date setting
on your local computer must match thge regional date settings
NT Server running SQL Server is confgiured for. There have also
been rumors that you need the dbnmpnt.dll from the latest SQL Server
service pack in order to use the regional settings correctly.
Check the date formats on the SQL Statement that errors.
This should let you solve the problem.