Re: SQL Error
Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 05 Mar 1997 10:38:59 -0800
Danny Calamaro wrote:
> I've installed SQL server 6.5 and Emerald. But cannot seem to add a user. I
> get SQL server error, then an Emerald error something like INSERT
> MasterAccouts................... It looks like all the fields in the table.
> I have tried to check the DataBase with Emerald Admin but also gives errors
> saying in eg. Table groups does not have the correct number of fields, same
> error for invoices, Radattributes, RadValues, ScriptMaps, Scripts, and
> others.
Check your date formats between SQL Server and the machine you
are running Emerald on. The Regional Settings must be the same.
-- Dale E. Reed Jr. ( IEA Software, Inc. | RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today |