Re: Unable to create invoices

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 05 Mar 1997 14:30:20 -0800

Marc Elbirt wrote:
> I'm running 6.0, no service packs. I get it now... I also had to run it
> on InvoiceItems. What other tables should I run it on? I think new users
> are getting created correctly, Payments seems to be OK.

You can run it on any table, but its only useful for those that have
indentites. Particular, MasterAccounts, SubAccounts, Invoices,
and Payments are the haefty ones.

I have mostly seen this on 6.0 without service packs. SP3 supposedly
fixes a LOT of problems with 6.0. We just installed it on our main
server that was crashing about every other day. Not a burp since
then. (thank goodness, I was pulling my hair out). I want to upgrade
to 6.5 as soon as I can. :)

> Systems crash every once in a while... Nothing surprising, nor any other
> SQL problems. Is it only a SQL problem? Hmm... I guess so, it must be in
> the Master db that some table got confused.

Basically. Add SP3 for SQL Server and see if teh crashed go away.

-- Dale E. Reed Jr.  (       IEA Software, Inc.      |  RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today  |