Re: Error 52 Bad File

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Fri, 07 Mar 1997 08:24:04 -0800

Jeff Woods wrote:
> No such luck. I made these changes, and it didn't work.
> This is the built-in Post.Office MTA, not a Linux exporter. Log files
> blank or filled in with existing filenames, makes no difference. Emerald
> Error 52.
> Dale, how about some help on this one? (Even just an "its a bug, wait for
> it").

How about "its irrelevant, ignore it". :)

The export has two phases. The first is to create new accounts, the
second is to adjust current accounts. Post.Office does NOT use logfiles
as of 2.0.75 to create users. I haven't quite tracked down the error
are getting, since I can't seem to produce it here. Running 2.0.90
to create Post.Office accounts doesn't error here, and I cleared all
my registry settings out. :( I'm still looking.

> Finally, if this user is correct about the last two fields, then this is
> SILLY. Why force each user to have a similar directory structure, by
> forcing the config of the log file on a GLOBAL basis? Some might have this
> log in C:\Program Files\Emerald, while others might have it in C:\EMERALD.
> Some might want to store on local drive D:, others on C:.

Ok. Not ALL fields are used for each type. For a standard/export
type, only the last two fields are relevant. For a MTA (Post.Office),
only the top fields are relevant (the bottom two are not used).

Each ES has its OWN set of logs and configuration. Unless you have a
multi-ES system, it is global. If you have a multi-ES system, then
you would know why they are seperate. :)

-- Dale E. Reed Jr.  (       IEA Software, Inc.      |  RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today  |