Re: Unable to create invoices

Marc Elbirt ( )
Fri, 14 Mar 1997 14:13:45 -0500

At 10:39 AM 3/14/97 -0800, Dale wrote:
>Each line item on a renewal is for a month recurring service.
>The invoice is for x months (see the months field in the database).
>Each line item * months added together is the Invoice amount.

I understand your strategy. Nonetheless, the InvoiceItems for an Invoice
should add up to the amount of the invoice. This is necessary for proper
accounting, and is also necessary for the invoice to make sense when
printed out.

This means either that you must change the amount of a single InvoiceItems
entry to be equal to the yearly fee, or that you must enter in twelve (12)
InvoiceItems. Perhaps a "Quantity" field in the InvoiceItems table would
be suitable.

There are several reasons why this must be done.
1) Taxes are presently calculated improperly. If you have 1 month on the
bill, and 1 year in the calculation, typically the amount billed is
different when you work it out:
(InvoiceItems.Tax * 12) + (InvoiceItems.Amount * 12) != (Invoice.Amount)
2) It becomes very difficult to work out how many months are paid for. If
there was a separate entry for each month paid, this would be easy.
Otherwise, you must calculate Annually*12 + Semi-Annually*6 + Quarterly*3 +
Monthly. In my company, it is imperative that we calculate exactly how
many months are paid up.
3) Finally, I think it fair to say that every invoice I have ever received,
either personal or business, has been itemized in such a way that the items
add up, without any multiplication on my part.

Consider this a request for a fix, rather than a misunderstanding of your
paradigm. Thank you.

N.B. Taxes should not be calculated on a per item basis, but rather on the
sub-total of the individual charges. This eliminates rounding errors, and
conforms to standards of tax calculation.

Marc Elbirt Computer Pages Inc.
Systems Administrator 253 Sheppard Ave. West Toronto, Canada M2N 1N2
WWW - Ph: +1 416 225 3030 Fax: +1 416 225 6737