RE: Invhead.txt, et al

Marc Elbirt ( )
Mon, 17 Mar 1997 14:37:27 -0500

At 01:55 PM 3/17/97 -0600, you wrote:
>Did you actually try to *MAIL* the invoice? Thats when the files are
>used. Turn on debug, and mail and test invoice you created for your
>account to see what it does. The files should be in the Emerald
>directory for now.

How does Emerald determine WHICH invoices to mail? I have noticed in the
past that it mails even those invoices who have been marked Sent. But I
can't verify that.

Marc Elbirt Computer Pages Inc.
Systems Administrator 253 Sheppard Ave. West Toronto, Canada M2N 1N2
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