Re: Radius for NT Question

Jeff Presley ( (no email) )
Wed, 19 Mar 1997 16:02:50 -0800

On 19 Mar 97 at 11:42, Mohamed Shabana wrote:

> Dear Jeff;
> Thank you very much for your quick response, but i don`t know if i
> explain my questions in a good manner or not but my questions are:
> 1- how i can prevent 2 users to login with the same account (username)
> at the same time which means only one user can access the account at a
> time.

My previous answer was correct for this question. The answer is it CAN be
done. You must use the Microsoft SQL Server piece in addition to the Emerald
software since the table which is built is done as an SQL table (of users
currently logged in). If the rule you're running says only one user ID at a
time (no sharing accounts), then the authentication mechanism checks the
online table to make sure that user isn't currently on line.

> 2- how i can permit the user to login for a certain time such as 1 hour,
> 2 hours and so on then the radius logged it out automatically after this
> period of time.

The time-bank function depends on your NAS (terminal server). The Livingstons
and Ascends of the world support this with a Radius attribute which our
software knows how to set when authenticating the user to the NAS.

> Finally, your quick response will be highly appriciated, waiting your
> answers ASAP.
> Thnks And Regards
> --
> Mohamed Shabana
> Giza Systems Engineering TEL : 00202 3490140
> 2 Middan El Mesaha - Dokki FAX : 00202 3499253
> Giza - Egypt E-MAIL :

Jeff Presley - President - Internet Engineering Associates
CompuTech the region's first commercial Internet Provider
A Member of the Verio Group,