minor bug in the last few releases of Emerald

Josh Hillman ( (no email) )
Mon, 24 Mar 1997 11:06:41 -0500

Currently, I'm using Emerald 2.1.5, but have noticed this with 2.1.3 and
possibly earlier versions.

When a new MBR is created, I click Save, then the Services menu pops up and
I fill out the info and Save it. Even after doing this, the MBR's "Master"
and "Services" pull-down menus are grayed out. The MBR's window first has
to be closed, then from the Emerald main search window, perform the search
on the new MBR/service and edit/double-click on it. THEN the two
above-mentioned menus appear. This can be a pain when creating a new user
and want to select Master / Invoice Next Term.

Josh Hillman