Re: start and stop records

Josh Hillman ( (no email) )
Mon, 24 Mar 1997 16:48:25 -0500

Peter, (and one other person who's name I missed), thanks again. I knew
this one was an easy, obvious one, but my mind was drawing a blank for some
reason. On the note of a SQL seminar, I had looked for books on SQL at
Barnes and Noble a few weeks ago, but didn't find a single book on it. Can
you or anyone else recommend a good one? B&N might be able to order one if
I can get an ISBN for it...

So far, every bit of scripting I know about SQL has come from little bits
and pieces scattered about throughout the many messages to the list as well
as built-in Emerald scripts, etc. along with a little bit of programming


Josh Hillman

From: Peter A. Sang <>
To: ''
Subject: AW: start and stop records
Date: Monday, March 24, 1997 3:39 PM

Josh, looks like you really want to book a small SQL seminar with me :)

You're correct, all you need are the 'Type 2' records that contain your
accounting information. You might have others (e.g. type 3 from
Cisco-NAS), you can delete them as well.
('delete from calls where acctstatustype != 2' will do the job in this
case, too)
You may want to check which types you have by executing 'select * from
calls where acctstatustype != 2' before using the delete command.

cu, Peter

This is from a Mail I sent to the list on January 12th:

the SQL command

'delete from calls where acctstatustype = 1'

(executed from SQL Enterprise manager or the Query Tool) will delete all
data records meeting the condition 'acctstatustype = 1' from the Calls
table in the Emerald db.

Since they are not used, this will help you to save database space.(If
you don't feel save with issuing direct SQL commands, just leave it
alone if you have enough space left.)

I do this deletions for type 1 and 3 about once a month, i assume Dale
will include it as an (automatic?) 'trim Calls table' command in a
future version of Emerald.

Peter A. Sang
SANG Computersysteme GmbH * Kruppstr. 82-100 * 45145 Essen * Germany
T: +49-201-82020-0 * F:-40 * *