Re: Emerald queries...

Jim Dornbush ( (no email) )
Tue, 25 Mar 97 08:08:43 PST

Fairly easy ... but it's not directly implemented in Emerald (yet), so
here's how I get the job done.
1. include the -R4 option in running radius to update the timeleft field
2. setup a new Account Type for these people (let's call it '60 HRS')
3. setup these Subaccounts/Services as this type, enable Time Left and
enter the nbr minutes in timeleft field (3600)
4. to automatically reset those accounts on the first of every month, setup
a Scheduled Task in SQL Enterprise Manager to run the following SQL update
at 12:01 AM on the first of every month: UPDATE SubAccounts SET
sa.TimeLeft=3600 FROM SubAccounts sa, MasterAccounts ma WHERE sa.CustomerID
= ma.CustomerID AND sa.Active=1 AND ma.Active=1 AND sa.AccountType='60 HRS'

I hope this helps.
Jim D. Manager of Internet Services, Eagle Design & Technology, Inc.

> Hi,
> I'm fairly new to Emerald. I've read the help document and experimented
> around with Emerald abit.
> I was wondering if anyone out there knows how to:-
> * limit a customer to a certain amount of hours per month eg. say I want
> limit a customer to 60hrs per/month;
> Assistance for this would be very much appreciated. Thank you
> Regards,
> Michael Odicho
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