RE: serv-u problem. Please help.

Erik Lundby ( (no email) )
Wed, 26 Mar 1997 00:24:09 -0600

Actually I'm talking about the version of suemer.dll. And I meant the =
extend field. I know it doesn't work. I don't know about limit. I =
guess I can check. Do you know?

-----Original Message-----
From: Dale E. Reed Jr. []
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 1997 12:19 AM
Subject: Re: serv-u problem. Please help.

Erik Lundby wrote:
> Dale, I really need for users who are past there expire to lbe able to =
log in to emerald if they are still able to log in because of there =
limit field. Is this being fixed? when? This is causing me no end of =
headache. moving someones expire forward and then back when they are =
done dowloading. Help. Help. Help.

The version of RadiusNT in the /emerald/beta directory correctly
utilex the MBR Expiration, Extension, and Limit.

Dale E. Reed Jr. (
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