Re: Upgrading

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Sat, 5 Apr 1997 18:24:18 -0800 (PST)

On Sat, 5 Apr 1997, Mark J. Levanduski wrote:

> I'm seem to having a problem with reports not working. Getting
> "Report not found" on all standard reports I try... After looking thru
> the facts, I found an exact copy of my problem from Dave in Australia
> on 3/3/97. Although he was at 2.0.75, it was the same. I'm at 2.0.53,
> and was wondering what the procedure for upgrading was? Can I just
> replace the emerald.exe and whatever files I need, or delete and do
> a complete reinstall of emerald 2.0.75 or another version?

You need to upgrade to 2.1.8. Its available from the FTP
site. First un-install the 2.0.53 client you have.

Then install the Full 2.1.8. After you have installed the
new client, run Emerald Admin, Check Database, Upgrade
(the updtabs.sql script). You may get a couple errors about
fields, but that should be fine. As longas your run the update,
the new version should work fine. Reports have been corrected
as well.
