Post.Office 3.0 Integration.

Robert Boyle ( )
Tue, 08 Apr 1997 04:32:45 -0400

At 06:10 PM 4/7/97 -0700, Dale wrote:
>> 2. When We setup a new account now and do the batch for a new
>> does not create the email account in Post Office....};-0 Any answers here
>You need to setup an External System to your Define the
>information for the ES jsut as you used to in the Emerald.ini file.
>make sure the Service types have that ES specified. Hint, make sure
>you specify a description for the ES.
>All of the ES configuration is done in the Emerald Admin, Config DB.

Just to bug you one more time Dale... PLEASE add support for Post.Office
3.0 It is killing me. I am adding all of our accounts only to Emerald now
and it is a huge pain to have to add them separately. Thanks.


btw- If you need the new commands for 3.0, let me know. Let's test this now
with the just the two or three of testing 3.0 before everyone upgrades. I
think the best way to add support would be to add a new type of ES.
Post.Office 3.0 and rename the old one 2.0 or something like that...

Robert Boyle - Engineer WAN/Intranet/Internet Services
Garden Networks: New Jersey's Premier Internet Service Provider
50 Diller Ave. / Newton, NJ 07860 (201)300-9211 10AM-5PM EST
28 Route 46 West / Pine Brook, NJ 07058 (201) 808-5558 10AM-7PM EST Automatic Response: