Re: CallsOnline too big to clean up!

Marc Elbirt ( )
Fri, 11 Apr 1997 15:16:24 -0400

At 12:55 PM 4/9/97 -0700, you wrote:
>> My callsonline tables are to huge to run the
>> charges button from Emerald. When I do run
>> it crashes both the server and the client machine I'm using to run
>> Emerald. I removed all the back log up to January in the database
>> but it still is huge and takes for ever to get anyone's online time.
>> What should I do to make that callsonline table smaller?

I have the following problem, even though my TempDB has 23 MB.

SQL Error2 Adding Charge OK?
Rolling back call_history OK?


Marc Elbirt Computer Pages Inc.
Systems Administrator 253 Sheppard Ave. West Toronto, Canada M2N 1N2
WWW - Ph: +1 416 225 3030 Fax: +1 416 225 6737