FW: Emerald and Reports

Brian Connelly ( brian@genius.scsn.net )
Sat, 19 Apr 1997 13:20:39 -0400

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Brian Connelly
>Sent: Saturday, April 19, 1997 1:20 PM
>To: 'daler@iea.com'
>Subject: Emerald and Reports
>Dale I am now trying to get the reports to work Right... But I am running
>into a few snags..
>First there is a bug with the Emerald Admin... If you configure Client and go
>to reports and enter a report name for cc invoice rpt... it will replace the
>SMTP admin email with that report name... Not to handy...
>The other problem is no mater how I specify where the reports are located
>Emerald does not see them... I have tried to specify the UNC and all of that
>but no luck...
>Please help me on this one.. ;)
>Also I noticed the CR50 invoice is still buggy... When you have multiple
>services on the invoice it keeps repeating the end total under all the
>Services kind of screwy...
>Brian Connelly
>PS where can I grab those docs ?