Radius-ODBC Errors-SQL Errors

Sat, 19 Apr 1997 16:29:47 +0000

Hi all,

This is my fifth attempt to get some help from this group. I would
really appreciate some answers.

We are trying to implement RadiusNT and Emerald. We would like to buy
Emerald, but are having few problems configuring it.

Radius NT is working in text mode. The problem we are having is when
we try to gonfigure it to work in ODBC mode and talk to Emerald. I
have to say that some updated documentation with detailed
instructions would greatly reduced number of questions on this list.
I also have to say that we are very new to SQL Server, so most of the
time we are in the the dark.

Here is what is happening right now.

We are able to run Radius with user text file. They are all
autenticating with no problems. If we start it with:

C:\radius>radius -x15 -b -A

this is what we get:

RadiusNT 1.16.60 2/7/97 Copyright (c) 1996 IEA Software, Inc.
All Rights Reserved, Worldwide

Some portions Copyright (c) 1992 Livingston Enterprises, Inc.
and Copyright (c) 1995 Ascend Communications, Inc.

0) Mode: 0

Param: Debug Level: 15
Param: ODBC and Normal Operations enabled
Param: Require Authentication for Accounting packets
Initializing Winsock...
ODBC Datasource: 'Radius'...
Allocating ODBC Henv...
Allocating ODBC Connect...
Making ODBC Connection...
Allocating Statement...

SQL Statement: Select Name, RadAttributeID, Type From RadAttributes

ODBC: SQLExecDirect Error:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name

SQL Statement: Select ra.Name, rv.Name, rv.Value From RadValues rv,
es ra Where rv.RadAttributeID = ra.RadAttributeId

ODBC: SQLExecDirect Error:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name

Allocating Statement...

SQL Statement: Select Server, IPAddress, Secret From Servers

ODBC: SQLExecDirect Error:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name
Allocating Statement...
config_init(): dict_valfind(Lifetime-In-Days) not found.

Loading users...
radius: attribute name Password not found
radius: Parse error -95 for user test
LOG: radius: Parse error -95 for user test

0 users loaded!

Radius NT is ready to receive requests!

End of message.

I am also getting error messages when I run "check Database in
Emerald Admin. If you want I can send those errors messages also.

Thank you for your response in advance.

Dusan Janjic