Re: Login Limit

Josh Hillman ( (no email) )
Wed, 23 Apr 1997 14:39:04 -0400

From: David Mulberry <>

I know this question has been asked before, I can't find it though. Login
Limit has a 0 in by default, I assume this means 1 because none of my users
can login more than once. I have a couple of users that I need to allow
multiple logins to, is the only thing I need to do is change the login
limit field to 2 or 3 or whatever I want the limit to be?

Does it matter that I using a Max4000 as a terminal server?

The latest version of Emerald displays/uses a "1" by default for the login
limit. In case any old entries still have 0's in them, you can run this
script to put them at 1:

Update SubAccounts Set LoginLimit = 1

Afterwards, you can take whatever accounts need to be more and change them
as needed.

I'm using a Max 4004 (5.0Ai4) and because I have a few accounts
authenticated directly through the Max instead of the Emerald database, I
have to have "Shared Profiles" = Yes (because Req. Prof = Yes):

Ethernet / Answer / Profile Reqd=Yes
Ethernet / Mod Config / Shared Prof=Yes

Using Radius (.60 or greater) Administrator, I have
Concurrency Control
Variable Login Limits

Everything works great here!

Josh Hillman