Manually creating invoices rounds the total

Josh Hillman ( (no email) )
Thu, 24 Apr 1997 11:59:29 -0400

I'm using Emerald 2.1.11 and just manually created an invoice for:
StartDate: 4/24/97
EndDate: 6/15/97
for 3 different services:
a. 14.95
b. 19.95
c. 5.00
all with 0 tax.

The total for that time frame should be
(14.95 + 19.95 + 5.00) * 1.73months = 69.16
1.73 = 1month + 22/30days

The total box at the top automatically displays 2 months worth of $ instead
the value represented by the timeframe, so the total that's displayed is in
this case, $79.80.

Aside from just manually calculating the real value and overwriting what's
in the total box (which is what I did in this case), is there some other
alternative or fix for this rounding issue?


Josh Hillman