Re: Billing is too confusing: how does it work?

Robin Galyan ( )
Thu, 24 Apr 1997 18:46:17 -0400

Re: Pat Augustine's instructions..

Thanks Pat, I saw your reply to Jeff Woods inquiry, and found it quite

I am doing about the same here, but I process all the credit card
manually thru a zon the first time, get it all paid and authorized
BEFORE I bother setting up the emerald account. That way I know exactly
whats what, no surprises to try and track, and so forth.

I do all my creidt cards and invoices all on the same day.

my only problem now (knock on wood) is that I cant get remote printing
to work on a win95 machine yet it does on a winNT. also cant seem to
edit or do much unless logged in as sa. sa priveledges are not the same
as sa itself!

well, thanks again. cya..