Re: Billing is too confusing: how does it work?

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Fri, 25 Apr 1997 01:42:14 -0700

Jeff Woods wrote:
> The sheer number of billing options (renewal, invoice, credit card, Email,
> postal, etc, etc) makes billing in Emerald a total nightmare. We're
> probably MONTHS behind on billing, with our employees manually advancing
> expire dates and manually tracking them on paper, because nobody knows how
> it works, and there are no docs on how to do it.

Unfortunately more than one business model uses Emerald. We try to
support many of them.

> For example, I created two web-hosting user MBR's today. I set up their
> services. The defaults it set when the account was created were "paid thru
> today" and an expire date 14 days from now. One account was a credit card
> account, so I set that up as such. One was to be invoiced in advance of
> the services, so I set it as such. NEITHER invoice was created when we
> did a batch invoice job! WHY NOT?

Put the date of the user's expiration (or any day in the month) in the
date field on the batch tab. Delete Credit Card, and Select batch.
Repeat with Renewal and batch. That should create the invoices for you.

> Finally, how would one account for signup fees in this billing process?
> The $75 domain name startup fee needs to appear on the bill, whether
> Emailed or snail-mailed, and there seems to be no mechanism in Emerald to
> allow for this.

When editing the MBR, on the Master tab, select charge, and add the
You can pre-define commonly used ones in the admin.

-- Dale E. Reed Jr.  (       IEA Software, Inc.      |  RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today  |