Take it from me ... I have grown the grass... Cut it...and emerald is
really much Greener...than the others ;)
Bravo to Dale... and lets hope he keeps up the Great work !
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Dale E. Reed Jr. [SMTP:daler@iea.com]
>Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 1997 6:56 PM
>To: emerald@emerald.iea.com
>Subject: Re: Emerald and NTXACS comparison ?
>Einars Bindemanis wrote:
>> Hallo,
>> Has anyone compared Emerald with ntxacs (www.itrans.com) ?
>> They seems to have pretty similar functionality.
>> We need billing system ready for production _NOW_,
>> I would appreciate your comments.
>So far when people ask me a question like this, I simply reply,
>"it doesn't". Emerald is a full management suite, not just an
>authentication and billing program. Where the Email integration?
>Where the FTP integration? Where is the call tracking?
>There is plenty of more "where is the" questions you can ask for
>in packages like that. And if you don't think they are important to
>have in place now, that'll change when you start using it.
>Dale E. Reed Jr. (daler@iea.com)
> IEA Software, Inc. | RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs
> Internet Solutions for Today | http://www.emerald.iea.com
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