support of USR Netserver?

Michael Miller ( )
Fri, 09 May 1997 13:13:11 -0400

Hello all,

I have got Emerald Admin, Radius Config, Servers properly configured for
our MAX4000's and run the re-port utility to create the server ports and
everything is functioning properly (i.e. able to view current users
online). I am now attempting to add a USR Netserver to the server
list. I notice under server type is listed "Starts at 0, Starts at 1,
Max 4000, Max 1800, Max TNT, Cisco 5200". Does anyone know what I can
use to add a USR Netserver as a server and be able to see current online
users? Does Emerald support this?

-- =========================================================="These days the search for detachment ans solitudeLead to retreating to fortresses no one would dare intrudeThere are those whose restless burdens start to showAnd then there are those, who unmistakeably must know."==========================================================God Bless,  /: /:        /:       /: /:           / :/ :ICHAEL /-:NDREW / :/ :ILLER==========================================================