I may also move the ftp server to the other box running emerald and see if
i can even make it work there.
Any additional thoughts or suggestions?
> > I think this is what youre asking for.
> > It would apear the requests from the client are being rejected (0, not
> > allowed)
> >
> > Why would they be 0, not allowed, doesn't the dll set them to allow?
> > It says in the docs the user will have full permissions for their home
> > directory.
> Ok, I have a theory that I will check. A quick glance shows that the
> directory check is case sensitive. This may be what is causing the
> problem.
> Try matching the case of the path to the user's home dir in Emerald and
> see if it changes anything. I'll make the dir check case insensitive
> and
> put a new DLL out today.
> --
> Dale E. Reed Jr. (daler@iea.com)
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