PC-Charge & Emerald BatchIn/CCOut

Raymond S. Leventhal ( leventhal@flips.net )
Tue, 13 May 1997 08:10:19 -0400


Its been nearly a month since we submitted our CC billing issue and I've
called several times hoping to have an answer. I'm still not able to
use the CCOUt/Batch In process with PC-Charge. The CCBatch.txt file
looks like this: (for 4 records processed)

+, Batch Started, 4/17/97 5:48:01 PM User: sa
+,0 Transactions processed.
+, Batch Started, 4/17/97 5:48:21 PM User: sa
+,1, Transactions not a Purchase
+,2, Transactions not a Purchase
+,3, Transactions not a Purchase
+,4, Transactions not a Purchase
+,4 Transactions processed.

Please let me know what to do here, as I'm starting to go gray from all
the manual payment of CC renewals.

Thank you.

Running: EmeraldAdmin 2.1.0
Emerald Client 2.1.8

PS. Where can the newer releases be d/l'd from?
Raymond S. Leventhal
Florida's Internet Providing Services, Inc