Radius/Emerald integration

Kurt Schafer ( (no email) )
Thu, 15 May 1997 12:01:40 -0400

OK, the Emerald Client seems to be working fine. When I load it up it
pulls the data I've defined in the Administrator in and I can add MBR's and
services to the database.

I loaded up the 32bit ODBC from the Control Panel and set up a System DSN
called Radius. In the details for the connection I have (local) for the
server and (Default for the Network Address and Network Library) Under
OPTIONS I specified Emerald as the Database name.

Is this correct ? When I fire up Radius from the command line with the -b
option it throws the info about my terminal servers up on the screen, and
proceeds to load in the test user that I have in the USERS file but when I
run RADLOGIN I can't authenticate anybody.

If I load radius in standalone mode I can authenticate the test user in the

Suggestions ? Authentications just hang.

