I will keep track of the problem to see if
it keeps happening. I rebboted the server
and things seem to be working now.
Anyway I hope for the best :)
From: Dale E. Reed Jr. <daler@iea.com>
To: emerald@emerald.iea.com
Date: Wednesday, May 15, 1996 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: SQL Error
>Jeffrey Betts wrote:
>> I had to restore my emerald database
>> now I keep getting this error in my NT event
>> viewer
>> DB-LIBRARY error sql connection timeout
>> Can anyone help me with this error
>This means the client can't connect to the server. Make sure
>you have Netbios credentials to the server. I get this all
>the time when I specified a server that is not running or
>spelled wrong.
>Dale E. Reed Jr. (daler@iea.com)
> IEA Software, Inc. | RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs
> Internet Solutions for Today | http://www.emerald.iea.com
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