Re: Re-print a sent invoice
Pat Augustine ( )
Tue, 20 May 1997 19:59:27 -0400
At 04:56 PM 5/20/97 -0700, you wrote:
>On Tue, 20 May 1997 (Pat Augustine) wrote:
>> One feature I'd like to see added to a future Emerald is the ability to
>> re-print an invoice that's already been marked as sent.
>> Currently if you try, it comes out blank. I have to go into SQL, change
>> the sentdate, print it, change the sentdate back.
>> Not a big deal, but when people call and say they've lost their bill or
>> never got it, it'd be nice to be able to send them another.
>> Unless there's an easier way to do that now and I've somehow overlooked
>Go to the invoice tab, enter the invoice number, click
>on it, and select print.
>Go to the MBR user edit, select history, double click
>on the invoice and select print.
>There are many other ways too. None of these should have
>anything to do with the sent date, unless you are trying
>to print it from the batch tab (which is one of the places
>where you should NOT being trying to re-print from).
Well, those are EXACTLY how I'm doing it and unless the Sentdate is null
in the database I get a blank form with all the lines and return address
and everything that appears on every invoice, but the data that should be
pulled from the SQL database is not there.
I've tried printing from the Invoice tab and from the history tab from
MBR. Both give EXACTLY the same results.
Pop open ISQL, change invoices.sentdate=(null) and suddenly you get data
when you print. Set invoices.sentdate to any date and no data.
I'm using 2.1.11, if it matters.
Pat Augustine
Interlink America