Kurt A. Butzin, DDS
Molarnet Technologies, Inc. (An Internet Solutions Provider)
On Sunday, June 01, 1997 12:51 PM, BA [SMTP:ba@interconnect.net] wrote:
> I used to use MS IIS for FTP and have recently switched to Serv-U FTP
> server which is only $25 per copy. Has loads of features too.
> http://www.cat-soft.com/servu.htm
> On Sun, 01 Jun 1997 00:27:45 -0700, Chuck Scott so eloquently wrote:
> >I have recently started hosting virtual domains, and everything has gone
smooth. I do have a customer who is asking for his own anonymous FTP
account and haven't quite figured out how to accomplish this. Has anyone
had any luck? My first attempt erased my root FTP account and replaced it
with the virtual one I created. OOPS !! Any help would be appreciated