Re: Steelhead Anyone?

Petar Nikolich ( )
Fri, 6 Jun 1997 16:13:47 -0000

It is not a beta anymore and it can it also works as a RADIUS
client (supposedly).

Now it's called "Routing and Remote Access Service"
How imaginative. At least it's free....... (and only 5.5Mb)


> From: Matthew James Gering <>
> To:
> Subject: Steelhead Anyone?
> Date: Friday, June 06, 1997 12:30 PM
> Has anyone tried out Microsoft's new NT routing engine (which incorporates
> RAS), called "Steelhead." It's still beta AFAIK. Can you confirm whether or
> not it is stable.
> It adds IP security on RAS, RAS routing, OSPF, enhanced IP filters, DDR,
> RADIUS client, etc.
> I figured if anyone has tried it, it would be someone here.
> Matt
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