Re: Ping times to dial-in users?

Petar Nikolich ( )
Wed, 11 Jun 1997 09:31:35 -0000

Yep, I'm getting about the same figure for client end to server end 33.6k links

> From: Terrell A. McClain <>
> To:
> Subject: Ping times to dial-in users?
> Date: Wednesday, June 11, 1997 8:59 AM
> Hi folks..
> Could anyone confirm that what I am seeing is typical, or not?
> We are running with a Livingston PM-2E-30 and USR Total Control modem
> racks (33.6). From our network, ping times to the Livingston run
> <1.5ms, ping times to any of our dial-in customers run between 115-130ms.
> Seems a bit high for the customer ping times, but then there are two
> modems and the telco involved, what should I expect?
> Terry McClain
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